Meet Jeff

Jeff Wingard is a God-called and ordained evangelist, sent out by the local church. He passionately preaches the Gospel wherever the Lord calls him, and he does so in partnership with local churches to ensure follow-up and discipleship of new believers. Jeff is also committed to using his gifts, education, and experience as an evangelist to come alongside local churches and help them in the work of evangelism, empowering God's people to fulfill the Great Commission.

Jeff has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of evangelism through many years of theological education, ongoing consistency in practicing personal and public evangelism, his training in a wide variety of evangelistic methods, countless participations in evangelistic projects, and preaching evangelistically to people of all backgrounds, ages, races, religions, cultures, and economic statuses. He has been working alongside local churches and organizations in the United States and overseas in evangelistic efforts since 2009 when he surrendered to the call of God as an evangelist. He has been on numerous international evangelistic projects that have taken him to more than twenty-six countries and continues to do so. He has also worked with churches around the United States in helping them reach their communities with the Gospel through partnership. Jeff is a worldwide evangelist and has preached the Gospel to a multitude of lost souls around the globe.

Jeff’s Story

Jeff grew up in a Christian home, and at the age of eight, he made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior. However, during his junior year in high school, he attended a weekend youth retreat called Chrysalis in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. It was there that he realized he was not truly saved because his heart and life had never been surrendered to Christ.

During the retreat, each attendee was given a stack of letters written by family and friends to encourage them in their walk with Christ. Jeff walked outside during a time of reflection and sat by a tree to read the letters written to him. In the letter from his mother, she expressed her greatest desire for him to live for the Lord. This led Jeff to reflect on his life and examine whether he was living for the Lord, and he realized that Jesus was not the Lord of his life.

After this realization, he called on the name of Jesus in prayer with a genuine heart of repentance, asking for forgiveness of his sins, and offering up his life to Christ for Him to use as He saw fit. When Jeff got up from the tree, he was a new person, and his life has never been the same.

Learn More About
Jeff Wingard Ministries

Mission Statement:

Jeff Wingard Ministries exists to reach people of all nations by proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and by equipping the local church to do the same.

What We Do:

Jeff Wingard Ministries is a Christian nonprofit evangelistic organization that advances the message of the Gospel through Great Commission partnerships. We achieve this by utilizing evangelistic preaching and training for the conducting of outreach events, church revivals, and other effective methods available to further the cause of Christ.